Not only with the most advanced cutting and surface treatment technology,
we support high-precision product manufacturing by mold-making and casting.
We provide numbers of competitive products in the fields that need ultraprecision cutting technology such as information communications equipments, which are indispensable in the networking society, as well as OA appliances, satellite broadcasting equipments and terrestrial wave digital equipments.
We support creation of amenity spaces such as kitchen, bath and toilets with our unique ideas and outstanding technologies. We are fully equipped with the newest facilities for cutting and machining products of complicated shapes such as mixing valves.
Our ultraprecision cutting technology ensures excellent reliability. We have made a lot of achievements in the gas appliance field where safety and stability are essential, to add value of “safety” to products which may affect human life.
We provide cutting and machining products to automotive industries, which take the top position of Japan’s leading companies with world-highest qualities.
The cutting and machining technologies we have nurtured over the years are utilized for processing engine-related components as well as hybrid vehicle components. We also provide products for manufacturing leading-edge next generation vehicles such as connectors for electric vehicles.
We develop unique manufacturing system and peripheral equipments such as DAKON ANSHIN series, FA systems and attachments.
DAKON ANSHIN keeps products free from dents or scratches due to contacts with each other to ensure safe storage and accumulation. It can be incorporated into mass-production equipment for long-time automatic operation.
Aiming at the ultimately high-efficient production by automatic 24-hour operation, we develop FA systems such as automatic feeders, product pilers and robot systems that can realize power saving and automation of production lines.
Attaching precisely processed products requires sophisticated attachment technology. High-precision jigs are necessary for manufacturing products of complicated structure. Years of our expertise in design and production technology implements processing of every kind of products using the most appropriate jigs.
We assemble complicated and delicate products such as communication equipments and gas appliances. We also have expertise in joint development of assembly lines.
Our communication equipment line is feasible for especially delicate assembly of communication equipments such as wireless LAN antenna and satellite communication equipment. We design the assembly lines to be desirable for any count of both in-house and supplied parts.
Other than communication equipments and gas appliances, our technology covers complex assemblies in various fields. We design assembly lines to match the product specification, taking into consideration every aspect of the product such as performance, cost and quality.
With the first priority given to safety, the products must be assembled carefully. Even one mistake can lead to major accident. We employ cell manufacturing system for gas regulator and safety valve production line.